Transport Phenomena In Materials Processing Solutions Manual

Transport Phenomena In Materials Processing Solutions Manual

Marca: Wiley

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This text provides a teachable and readable approach to transportphenomena (momentum, heat, and mass transport) by providingnumerous examples and applications, which are particularlyimportant to metallurgical, ceramic, and materials engineers.Because the authors feel that it is important for students andpracticing engineers to visualize the physical situations, theyhave attempted to lead the reader through the development andsolution of the relevant differential equations by applying thefamiliar principles of conservation to numerous situations and byincluding many worked examples in each chapter. The book is organized in a manner characteristic of other textsin transport phenomena. Section I deals with the properties andmechanics of fluid motion; Section II with thermal properties andheat transfer; and Section III with diffusion and mass transfer.The authors depart from tradition by building on a presumedunderstanding of the relationships between the structure andproperties of matter, particularly in the chapters devoted to thetransport properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and thediffusion coefficients). In addition, generous portions of thetext, numerous examples, and many problems at the ends of thechapters apply transport phenomena to materials processing.

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  • Ano: 1998
  • Autor: R. Poirier, D.
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470923771
  • Título do livro: Transport Phenomena In Materials Processing Solutions Manual
  • Gênero do livro: Técnico