Water Efficiency In Buildings Theory And Practice

Water Efficiency In Buildings Theory And Practice

Marca: John Wiley & Sons Disponibilidade: Imediata

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This reference source on water efficiency in buildings provides comprehensive and uptodate information. Both multidisciplinary and practical, it signposts current knowledge, innovation, expertise and evidence on an important subject which is high in the resource management debate. Water Efficiency in Buildings a review of theory and practice is structured into five sections Policy; People; Building Design and Planning; Alternative Water Technologies; and Practical Examples & Case Studies. This final section of the book presents new and current practice as well as lessons learnt from case examples on the use of water saving technologies and user engagement. Current evidence is vital for effective policy making. The dynamic nature of issues around water resource management creates a higher need for robust and reliable data and research information that can inform policy and regulations. This compendium provides a roadmap for researchers and building professionals on water efficiency as well as for policy makers and regulators. The case studies and research presented fall within the water supply and demand spectrum, especially those that focus on process efficiency, resource management, building performance, customer experiences and user participation, sustainable practises, scientific and technological innovation. The benefit and impact of the research is at the localandnational level, as well as in the global context.

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  • Ano: 2014
  • Autor: Adeyeye, Kemi
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 328
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: John Wiley & Sons
  • ISBN: 9781118456576
  • Título do livro: Water Efficiency In Buildings Theory And Practice
  • Gênero do livro: Técnico