Guidance On Embedded Retaining Wall Design

Guidance On Embedded Retaining Wall Design

Marca: Ciria Disponibilidade: Imediata

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Title: Guidance on Embedded Retaining Wall Design Author: Clare Drake Synopsis: This technical book offers comprehensive guidance and insights into the specialized field of embedded retaining wall design. Aimed at engineers, architects, and construction professionals, it provides an in-depth exploration of the structural principles and considerations involved in creating these unique retaining structures. The author, Clare Drake, delves into the various aspects of embedded retaining walls, which are walls built within the soil to provide lateral support and stability. The book covers essential topics such as the different types of embedded walls, including cantilevered and anchored systems, and the factors influencing their design. Drake explains the critical role of soil mechanics and how it impacts the stability and performance of these walls. 'Guidance on Embedded Retaining Wall Design' includes detailed discussions on material selection, structural analysis, and the implementation of design codes and standards. It provides step-by-step guidance on calculating earth pressures, determining wall dimensions, and selecting appropriate reinforcement techniques. The book also addresses common challenges and potential issues, such as settlement and seismic considerations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the design process. Additionally, the author highlights real-world applications and case studies, showcasing successful embedded retaining wall projects. This practical approach allows readers to grasp the theoretical concepts and apply them to actual construction scenarios. This book serves as a valuable resource for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of retaining wall design, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical design strategies.

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  • Ano: 2016
  • Autor: Drake, Clare
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 500
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Ciria
  • ISBN: 9780860177647
  • Título do livro: Guidance On Embedded Retaining Wall Design
  • Gênero do livro: Técnico