In 2012 the next polar reversal will take place on earth. This means that the North Pole will be changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions. Billions of casualties will occur worldwide; only a few human beings will have a chance to survive. These are the horrible facts. But how do you survive this Armageddon, this ultimate End of Times scenario.
- Ano: 2007
- Autor: Patrick Geryl
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Espanhol
- Páginas: 264
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Kier
- ISBN: 9789501717143
- Título do livro: Como Sobrevivir Al Cataclismo De 2012 Tacticas De Supervivencia Y Refugios Para El Proximo Corremien
- Gênero do livro: Literatura e Ficção