The Elements Of Thinking In Systems Use Systems Archetypes To Understand, Manage, And Fix Complex Problems And Make Smarter Decisions
Marca: Independente Disponibilidade: Imediata
Would you like to have better solutions to your problems? Struggling to understand why things went wrong when you did everything right? The Elements of Systems Thinking can help you with these problems. Systems surround us and we might not even be aware of it. Your household is a system. The bakery on the corner is a system. Your class at school, your department at work, and your weekend soccer team made of wholehearted dads is a system too. You are a vital part of more complex systems like your country, the economy, or the world; learn about their changing nature, and find optimal solutions to problems related to them. The world is more connected than ever thanks to innovations like telephone, television, computers, and internet. The way we sense reality changed significantly. Using conventional thinking to understand the world as it functions today is not enough. We need to know the elements of systems thinking to see beyond simple causeeffect connections. This book will help you to find strategic solutions to every complex, modern problem. The Elements of Systems Thinking focuses on the nine fundamental system archetypes; our mental models related to them, and the stepbystep implication methods to fix them. Learn to use systems archetypes to solve your problems at work, in your business, in your relationship, and social connections. See through the motivations and understand the drives of contemporary politics, economics, and education. Widen your perspective, think critically, analyze deeply, clear your vision, be more logical and rational just by applying systems thinking. Think differently and get different results. Learn the language of systems thinking.Apply the best systems thinking ideas, models, and frameworks in your cognitive and decisionmaking process. Learn to understand, design, and find solutions to the main system problems called archetypes. Complexity, organizational pathways, and networks gain more and more importance in our interconnected world. The Elements of Systems Thinking gives you reallife examples to make the adoption process of this type of thinking smooth. Define your problems more accurately, find better, longlasting solutions to your problems, learn to create strategic plans using systems diagrams, and understand your place and power over the world.
- Ano: 2019
- Autor: Rutherford, Albert
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Inglês
- Páginas: 272
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Independente
- ISBN: 9781794581517
- Título do livro: The Elements Of Thinking In Systems Use Systems Archetypes To Understand, Manage, And Fix Complex Pr
- Gênero do livro: Psicologia