New Systems Theories Of World Politics

New Systems Theories Of World Politics

Marca: Palgrave

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New Systems Theories of World Politics offers a fresh look at contemporary world politics. It uses a number of systems theoretical approaches in order to analyze the structure and dynamics of the international system. While a rich tradition of systems theorizing in International Relations emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, in recent years the study of world politics has tended to bypass developments in systems theory in favor of microlevel theories. Drawing on advances in systems theorizing in both the social and natural sciences, from agentbased modeling to quantum physics, this book explores the utility of reinvigorated systemic thought in helping us to understand the contemporary global condition. The editors argue that the system of world politics can be analyzed in a comprehensive fashion by continuing the pioneering work of theorists like Karl Deutsch.

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  • Autor: Albert, Mathias
  • Encadernação: Hardcover
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 312
  • Capa: Dura
  • Editora: Palgrave
  • ISBN: 9780230233294
  • Título do livro: New Systems Theories Of World Politics
  • Gênero do livro: Sociologia