Repositioning Organization Theory Impossibilities And Strategies

Repositioning Organization Theory Impossibilities And Strategies

Marca: Palgrave Disponibilidade: Imediata

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Repositioning Organization Theory studies the political positioning of organization theory, arguing that there are two main projects in organization theory the positioning and depositioning projects, or the hegemonic project of management and the postmodern project respectively. Böhm employs a range of philosophies to critique the limits of these two projects. The book calls for a repositioning and repoliticising of organization theory, with Böhm illustrating this project of repositioning by engaging with the challenges faced by anticapitalist and social forum movements.

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  • Autor: Böhm, Steffen
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 288
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Palgrave
  • ISBN: 9781403943637
  • Título do livro: Repositioning Organization Theory Impossibilities And Strategies
  • Gênero do livro: Negócios