Tiny, perfect things

Tiny, perfect things

Marca: Compendium Publishing & Communications Disponibilidade: Disponível em 25 dias úteis

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The whole world is a treasure waiting to be found. Open your eyes and see the wonderful things all around. This is the story of a child and a grandfather whose walk around the neighborhood leads to a day of shared wonder as they discover all sorts of tiny, perfect things together. With rhythmic storytelling and detailed and intricate illustrations, this is a book about how childlike curiosity can transform ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.

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  • Ano: 2018
  • Autor: M.H. Clark
  • Capa: Dura
  • Idioma: M.H. Clark
  • Editora: Compendium Publishing & Communications
  • Páginas: Hardcover
  • Encadernação: Inglês
  • Gênero do livro: Infantil
  • ISBN: 9781946873064
  • Título do livro: Tiny, Perfect Things