A must-have board book for all baby bedtimes and gifting occasions. Good night, Gorilla. Good night, Elephant. It s bedtime at the zoo, and all the animals are going to sleep. Or are they? Who s that short, furry guy with the key in his hand and the mischievous grin? Good night, Giraffe. Good night, Hyena. Sneak along behind the zookeeper s back, and see who gets the last laugh in this riotous good-night romp. Also available in Spanish as Buenos noches, Gorila. Look for Peggy Rathmann s other lively favorites 10 Minutes Till Bedtime and The Day the Babies Crawled Away.
- Ano: 1996
- Autor: Peggy Rathmann
- Capa: Mole
- Idioma: Inglês
- Editora: Penguin Random House
- Páginas: 32
- Encadernação: Hardcover
- Gênero do livro: Infantil
- ISBN: 9780399230035
- Título do livro: Good Night, Gorilla