Secret Judgments Of God Old World Disease In Colonial Spanish America
Marca: University of Oklahoma Press Disponibilidade: Imediata
In the wake of European expansion, disease outbreaks in the New World caused the greatest loss of life known to history. Postcontact Native American inhabitants succumbed in staggering numbers to maladies such as smallpox, measles, influenza, and typhus, against which they had no immunity. A collection of case studies by historians, geographers, and anthropologists, Secret Judgments of God discusses how diseases with Old World origins devastated vulnerable native populations throughout Spanish America. In their preface to the paperback edition, the editors discuss the ongoing, often heated debate about contact population history.
- Autor: David Cook, Noble
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Inglês
- Páginas: 316
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: University Of Oklahoma
- ISBN: 9780806133775
- Título do livro: Secret Judgments Of God Old World Disease In Colonial Spanish America
- Gênero do livro: História