Title: Recipe Keeper: A Culinary Journey Through Generations
'Recipe Keeper' is a heartwarming novel that intertwines family history with delicious cuisine, authored by the collective pen name Varios, bringing together a collection of cherished recipes and the stories behind them. The narrative follows the life of a young woman, Emma, who discovers an old recipe book passed down through her family for generations. Each recipe within its pages holds a special memory and a connection to her ancestors.
As Emma cooks her way through the book, she learns about her great-grandmother's journey as an immigrant, her grandmother's struggles during wartime, and her mother's love for traditional baking. Every dish reveals a piece of her family's history, their joys, sacrifices, and secrets. From mouth-watering traditional cakes to savory cultural delights, Emma's culinary adventures become a means to connect with her roots and understand the power of food in preserving memories.
Through this culinary journey, Emma finds solace in cooking, discovers her passion, and gains a deeper understanding of her family's heritage. The book highlights the importance of preserving family traditions and the role food plays in connecting generations. 'Recipe Keeper' is a delightful blend of storytelling and gastronomy, leaving readers with a sense of warmth, inspiration, and a desire to explore their own culinary heritage.
- Autor: Varios
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Inglês
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Love Food
- ISBN: 9781445439617
- Título do livro: Recipe Keeper The
- Gênero do livro: Gastronomia