The modern classic that inspired the beloved movie starring Tom Hanks. Six foot six, 242 pounds, and possessed of a scant IQ of 70, Forrest Gump is the lovable, surprisingly savvy hero of this classic comic tale. His early life may seem inauspicious, but when the University of Alabama s football team drafts Forrest and makes him a star, it sets him on an unbelievable path that will transform him from Vietnam hero to world-class Ping-Pong player, from wrestler to entrepreneur. With a voice all his own, Forrest is telling all in a madcap romp through three decades of American history.
- Ano: 2012
- Autor: Winston Groom
- Capa: Mole
- Idioma: Inglês
- Editora: Vintage
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Gênero do livro: Ficção
- ISBN: 9780307947390
- Título do livro: Forrest Gump (En Inglés)