Hans Olofson is the son of a Swedish lumberjack. His childhood was unsettled and ais adolescence was no easier as he lost both his best friend and his lover tragically. Alone and adrift, his only desire is to fulfil his lover s dream and visit the grave of a legendary missionary who survived alone in the remote hills of Zambia. On reaching Africa, Olofson is struck by its beauty and mystery. After fulfilling his quest, an opportunity of employment in the region tempts him to stay. Though dismayed by the attitude of the white population to their adopted country, he is interested enough to take up sole responsibility for the farm he manages. For almost two decades Hans Olofson battles with a hostile environment and a placid, but resistant workforce. Set in the 1970s and 1980s, The Eye of the Leopard explores the relationship between white farmers and their native workers.
- Ano: 2010
- Autor: Mankell, Henning
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Tusquets
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Espanhol
- ISBN: 9789871544745
- Páginas: 377
- Gênero do livro: Ficção
- Título do livro: El Ojo Del Leopardo