Hell and Other Destinations

Hell and Other Destinations

Marca: Harper

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In 2001, when Madeleine Albright was leaving office as America s first female secretary of state, interviewers asked her how she wished to be remembered ... In that time of transition, the former Secretary considered the possibilities she could write, teach, travel, give speeches, start a business, fight for democracy, help to empower women, campaign for favored political candidates, spend more time with her grandchildren. Instead of choosing one or two, she decided to do it all. For nearly twenty years, Albright has been in constant motion, navigating half a dozen professions, clashing with presidents and prime ministers, learning every day. Since leaving the State Department, she has blazed her own trailand given voice to millions who yearn for respect, regardless of gender, background, or age

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  • Autor: Albright, Madeleine
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 370
  • Capa: Dura
  • Editora: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9780062802255
  • Gênero do livro: Biografia
  • Título do livro: Hell And Other Destinations