Spaevaluacion Docente En Mexi

Spaevaluacion Docente En Mexi

Marca: Fondo de Cultura Económica

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The topic of evaluation has always been present in the teaching processes that professors apply to their students. However, that the evaluations be applied to the teachers is a relatively new perspective in Mexico. Putting together papers that were made based on the conferences in the Teacher evaluations in Mexico seminary presented by the INEE in 2013, this book offers a serious, organized, and plural perspective of what a teacher evaluation is.

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  • Avaliação:
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  • Ano: 2016
  • Autor: Gilberto Guevara Niebla
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Espanhol
  • Páginas: 276
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Fondo de Cultura Economica
  • ISBN: 9786071633590
  • Título do livro: Spaevaluacion Docente En Mexi
  • Gênero do livro: Literatura e Ficção