Lenguaje Inclusivo Y Esi En Las Aulas Aportes Teórico-Práticas Para Un Debate En Curso

Lenguaje Inclusivo Y Esi En Las Aulas Aportes Teórico-Práticas Para Un Debate En Curso

Marca: Paidós Disponibilidade: Imediata

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What is called inclusive language? What relationships exist between its use and Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI)? Is it possible to teach and use inclusive language in educational contexts? How do specialists characterize it as part of a broad linguistic change or as an individual discursive intervention, that is, by each speaker? Why are there those who accept it and those who reject it? What are the main resources of nonsexist and genderinclusive language? In Argentina, nonsexist language emerged in a massive way in social discourses from the actions of NiUnaMenos, a feminist collective formed in 2015. Those who defend the thesis of the lack of symbolic representation of women in language affirm that the use of of the generic masculine to refer to the two sexes does not manage to represent everyone, since it hides or excludes women, insofar as it is based on an androcentric thinking that considers men as subjects of reference and women as dependents or who they live according to them. Those who, on the other hand, do not endorse its use, argue that it is a forced change, imposed by small elite groups, irrelevant in the fight for the emancipation of women and groups for diversity, and incorrect on a grammatical level. The phenomenon of inclusive language has caused the most varied reactions in society from empathy and adherence to rejection, ridicule, and aggressive and virulent attitudes. In this book, Carolina Tosi and Valeria Sardi address these central issues on the current agenda, making a journey through different areas, from the treatment of inclusive language in the media, in educational regulations and in the Royal Spanish Academy, while recovering the historicization and promulgation of Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI) to think with readers about which language should be taught in classrooms. The book concludes with a series of proposals, didactic sequences and activities that account for the necessary discussion on this issue, whose debate is just beginning. From cover, translated.

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  • Ano: 2021
  • Autor: Sardi, Valeria
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Espanhol
  • Páginas: 248
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Paidos
  • ISBN: 9789501299045
  • Título do livro: Lenguaje Inclusivo Y Esi En Las Aulas Aportes Teórico-Práticas Para Un Debate En Curso
  • Gênero do livro: Educação