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Even though Kate, Aubrey, and Jenny are as dissimilar as three women can be, they first met while living together in college and quickly grew close. Kate was stunning, untamed, affluent, and damaged. Aubrey, who was receiving financial aid and had a troubled home life, wished above all else to put her past behind her. And Jenny was a striversmart, aspirational, and committed to her goals. The three of them vowed to always be there for one another as an odd bond grew between them.

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  • Avaliação:
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  • Ano: 2023
  • Autor: Scott, Larry
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 204
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Paidos
  • ISBN: 9789501215243
  • Título do livro: Husbands
  • Gênero do livro: Educação