In August 1964, twentyoneyearold photographer Douglas R. Gilbert, on assignment for Look magazine, photographed an upandcoming folk singer named Bob Dylan. Just twentythree years old, Dylan had already composed a striking body of work, including Blowin in the Wind, yet he himself was still relatively unknown. All that was about to change. For more than a week, Gilbert photographed a surprisingly open Bob Dylan, smiling and relaxed among friends like musician John Sebastian and poet Allen Ginsberg. To Gilbert s dismay, Look deemed Dylan s appearance too scruffy for a family magazine, and the images remained unpublished and unseen, until now. Featuring veteran music journalist Dave Marsh s insightful text, Forever Young unforgettably captures a pivotal time in Bob Dylan s extraordinary careerthe time when he began transforming not just folk but all of popular music.
- Ano: 2006
- Autor: R. Gilbert, Douglas
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Inglês
- Páginas: 160
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Da Capo Press
- ISBN: 9780306815164
- Gênero do livro: Biografia
- Título do livro: Forever Young Photographs Of Bob Dylan