Design Graphics Drawing Techniques For Design Professionals
Marca: Prentice Hall Disponibilidade: Imediata
Design Graphics Drawing Techniques for Design Professionals, Third Edition, combines in a single volume simple techniques and skills related to sketching, designdevelopment, and the schematic or preliminary phase of design presentation. Emphasizing drawing as a mental as well as physical exercise, the text helps students draw designs on paper faster and easier, showing them how visual communication with clients can provide better, more economical design solutions. Practical, straightforward, and readerfriendly,Design Graphics provides more complete coverage of the basics, making concepts and techniques accessible to students with highly diversified educational and technical backgrounds.
- Autor: Koenig, Peter
- Encadernação: Paperback
- Idioma: Inglês
- Páginas: 177
- Capa: Mole
- Editora: Prentice Hall
- ISBN: 9780137136964
- Gênero do livro: Artes
- Título do livro: Design Graphics Drawing Techniques For Design Professionals