El Teatro De Las Histericas De Como Charcot Descubrio Entre Otras Cosas Que Tambien Habia Histericos

El Teatro De Las Histericas De Como Charcot Descubrio Entre Otras Cosas Que Tambien Habia Histericos

Marca: Fondo de Cultura Económica Disponibilidade: Imediata

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El Teatro de las Histréricas: De cómo Charcot Descubrió, entre Otras Cosas, que También Había Histéricos is a fascinating exploration of the work and discoveries of the renowned French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, particularly his research on hysteria. The book is authored by Hector Perez-Rincon, who delves into Charcot's groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of mental health in the late 19th century. In this book, Perez-Rincon reveals how Charcot's studies at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris led him to recognize that hysteria, a term used to describe a range of emotional and physical symptoms, was not exclusively a female condition as previously believed. Charcot's observations of both male and female patients exhibiting similar hysterical behaviors challenged contemporary gender norms and medical assumptions. The title, which translates to The Theater of the Hysterics: How Charcot Discovered, among Other Things, that There Were Also Male Hysterics, emphasizes the dramatic nature of the hysterical attacks Charcot witnessed and studied. These episodes were often characterized by convulsions, paralysis, and dramatic emotional displays, leading Charcot to view them as a form of neurological theater. Perez-Rincon's work provides a detailed account of Charcot's clinical methods, his use of photography and observation, and his influential lectures, which attracted international attention. The book also discusses the cultural and social implications of Charcot's findings, including the impact on the emerging field of psychology and the changing perceptions of mental health disorders. Through this synopsis, readers are introduced to a critical moment in medical history when Charcot's research shed light on the complexities of hysteria, offering a more nuanced understanding of a condition that had long been shrouded in mystery and gender bias.El Teatro de las Histréricas offers a captivating glimpse into the life and work of a pioneering neurologist, whose contributions continue to shape our understanding of mental health and the human mind.

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  • Ano: 2015
  • Autor: Perez-Rincon, Hector
  • Encadernação: Paperback
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Páginas: 156
  • Capa: Mole
  • Editora: Fondo de Cultura Economica
  • ISBN: 9786071625724
  • Gênero do livro: Artes
  • Título do livro: El Teatro De Las Histericas De Como Charcot Descubrio Entre Otras Cosas Que Tambien Habia Histericos